Well we've been back almost two weeks and I have neglected the blog! Sorry if anyone has been bored enough to want to read it and I will keep this entry as short as I can.
Richard rebuilt the engine on our return as the bits arrived in 2 days! Good service and really helpful (Marine Services). The leak has been sorted and the engine is shining like a new pin. I don't know how many times the brasso has been out but I even helped him this time. (That was because there was oil everywhere, Richard is not the tidyest/cleanest of mechanics!
We fetched our eldest (Martin - pictured hiding behind the plants) from University last week (Bournemouth) as the train fair had gone up by about £20 and we fancied a day out. Bless him, he didn't have any milk in, so a coffee was not on the list, lots of washing for me though!
We have been showing him around and giving him a chance on the tiller. He has lapped it up, having a blast up the river to Hazelford lock last night and on our way back now.
Major event!! 3 days ago, Richard was sitting in the cratch at the front of the boat, surfing/smoking mainly! Suddenly a splash could be heard and Richard dived out of the boat to the aid of what he thought was a generator falling off the back of the guy opposite's boat. As he looked over the edge of the pontoon, he could see the bright yellow genny falling below, but then sore the sole of this guy's foot!! It took ages for us to haul him out of the water, not easy when it's someone as big as you fully dressed wet through and having a fit!
We managed to get him on the pontoon walkway, and his fitting seemed to subside so that he relaxed into the recovery position. I told bystanders to call for an ambulance and get a blanket, and to my surprise suddenly people sprang into action. Within 10 minutes the paramedic arrived. After they changed him into dry shorts, he had another fit. He didn't look very well at all. The ambulance took over an hour to arrive, but at least the medic was there early on. Hypothermia was the biggest worry and he wasn't responding that well.
If Richard hadn't been there at that time, no one would have known he had gone in and without doubt would have died!! He just says he would have done it for anyone, which I suppose is true. Thought for today, would you help or walk by?
I will keep you posted on his recovery....